France vs America

Well yesterday made the first day of summer vacation or the kids. We enjoyed our day at home playing together. Last night Nanou, the kids grandma, came with their cousin to babysit the kids until Thursday. Since I still have school on Tuesdays and Thursdays until August, we needed someone to watch them. This morning I went I class, which took longer than normal to get there because of all the road construction going on between Mezeray and Le Mans. After class I decided to go check out some shops I haven’t been to yet, so I spent my afternoon shopping. I am hoping for a nice warm day soon(preferably on the weekend( so I can go to the beach for a day. We are all looking forward to a great summer here! We are even planning in going to Spain. 🙂
Okay, so many people have asked about the differences between America and France. Of course there are very many differences, but at the same time it’s hard to actually name them. I can say that France has amazing bread, and bakeries, and cheeses, and everything here is all about being natural. So in class today I had to write the differences between France and America…good luck to everyone who will need a translator. 🙂

Les différences entre la France et la Etats-unis.

En France les voitures sont très petites. La rue c’est très petit aussi. Dans la rue entre Mezeray et Le Mans il y a beaucoup de ronds points. C’est horrible ! Le parking, c’est difficile, il n’y a pas beaucoup de places gratuites. Le parking payant c’est normal. Pour moi, c’est difficile de faire un créneau. Avant que j’arrive, ce n’était pas possible. J’ai aussi conduit à Paris, et c’est horrible !
En France la maison n’a pas l’air conditionne. Ce n’est pas nécessaire. C’est très normal pour les maisons d’avoir la barrière, ou le mur autour.
En France les personnes ne sont pas toujours gentilles. C’est nécessaire de parler français.

I want to end this post with part of a bible verse that has really stuck with me:
Matthew 28:20b
‘…and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.’


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